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Have you ever had a friend accidentally get you aroused? If so, what happened?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Have you ever had a friend accidentally get you aroused? If so, what happened?
Have you ever had a friend accidentally get you aroused? If so, what happened?

Ed ecco le risposte:

They threatened me with a good time. You never threaten me with a good time

She sat on my lap as I was giving her a massage, she got a bit too into the massage and started to moan slightly and uh. Things kinda ended there when I felt something slowly rising. I told her to get off my lap for a while. Never told her why until the other day. Missed a shot for a fun evening

My best friend (girl) was tired and she started laying with her head on my lap and let out a moan. Now I’m love with her

Best friends since the womb. But it was the first time I noticed him in that manner.

We drove to get donuts and he stopped to park in reverse. He put his hand firmly on the corner of my seat just above my shoulder to look behind and it just startled me. I wasn’t expecting it at all.

Seeing him grown for the first time and actually noticing the muscular structure of his body was a very intense realization. I was staring at a “man” and I guess it really got to me. All of a sudden I was flustered and nervous around him.

Edit: In response the the womb comment NO we’re not related!!!!

Our mothers were best friends and got pregnant at the same time. Our baby showers were together apparently and we were born 9 days apart. Technically not the womb but longer than when I began to remember things!!

When I was in middle school a friend of mine asked if I could help teach another friend of hers how to play bass guitar. I say sure and start spending every day after school teaching him easy songs to play. Anyways, we become close friends with a shared (slightly nsfw) sense of humor. One day he jokes about “scooping me” and I didn’t know what that meant so I just laughed it off. I looked it up when I got home and blushed to find out it meant “when someone comes up from behind and wraps their arms around you while holding your breasts.” The next day he laughed while I shyly explained that I had to google what he said and tbh I felt a little aroused that he said it to me.