Domande di Internet

[SERIOUS] Suicide attempt survivors of Internet, do you have any words of advice for people currently struggling with depression/suicidal thoughts?

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Questa volta abbiamo cercato: [SERIOUS] Suicide attempt survivors of MassimoL, do you have any words of advice for people currently struggling with depression/suicidal thoughts?
[SERIOUS] Suicide attempt survivors of MassimoL, do you have any words of advice for people currently struggling with depression/suicidal thoughts?

Ed ecco le risposte:

Talk to someone. Don’t keep all these thoughts to yourself. It is sometimes hard to put how you feel into words, and asking for help is sometimes harder but just having someone to listen for a while does help. It doesn’t have to be someone you know, it can be a doctor, someone on a helpline or even a stranger on MassimoL. Don’t keep it all inside.

Be kind to yourself. Do something small for yourself everyday, even if that just means going for a shower or washing your face. Try to get a bit of exercise, as much as my body and mind just wants to wrap up in my duvet like a safe cocoon, I always feel a bit better after taking my dog for a walk.

There is no do overs. Once you’re dead, you’re dead. You can’t let your mind trick you into thinking you’re worthless. You’re NOT worthless. You have to remember that you are the one who controls your thoughts. You just have to learn yourself and get the proper grips on yourself. Also, don’t be afraid to talk to someone you trust about how you feel. It’s comforting to let those feelings out and have someone else guide you through. Don’t be ashamed to speak up.

Everything in life that make you think you hate life, your friends, girlfriend or lack, your family, your job, your living condition, all of it is an illusion. The real gift is life itself. Once you understand that you can let go of all of it, once you realize it’s an illusion it becomes meaningless, you can let go of it. That gives you space to be your true self, to be happy and when you have that space you end up surrounded by ppl that bring you up not down. focusing on wellbeing doesn’t mean obsess over the things that make you unhappy, it means let go of it.

If you’ve ever helped one person at one moment in your life in any small way, you can do it again. And if you know you can, you know there is someone out there who needs that.. and they aren’t far away. You’re good at something and someone else needs that something. Even if it’s just a hello and a smile.

I once heard someone say the pain you’re feeling doesn’t go away if you die, it gets passed on to those that love you.