Relazioni e amore

Roommate is interested in me and said I can’t have guys over

Fuck guys on his bed

I’d move out when he got in my bed, with anyone!

He sounds like he’s going to cause drama. But he can’t control you bringing friends/guys over at all, its simply none of his business. It’s none of his business if you talk with other guys. Don’t explain yourself to him at all. Start to write down all controlling things he does, or when he invades your privacy, like wanting to sleep in your bed with someone.

>Am I the asshole?

What? No way. Your roommate feels entitled to a relationship with you and to your undivided attention.

>He agreed that I needed time and said he was okay with it.

He has no say over whether you need time away from serious relationships or not, so him saying he’s okay with it is dumb and irrelevant, what the fuck. Who cares if he’s okay, it’s your life and your choices. You aren’t attracted to him, it’s up to him to figure out how to stop caring about that.

Unfortunately it’s not likely that this will get any easier since he sounds very immature, selfish and unempathetic, so you may need to find a new place after all. Or can you get him to be the one to move out? He should really, it’s his problem.

After reading comments and looking at your answers I think you should start looking into a new living situation. If you are able of course. Your roommate is being incredibly unreasonable and he sounds controlling. It worries me a bit on how far the guy would go if you did actually start going out and texting other guys. So if you can please try to get another place. This time to a place where you can be on the lease.