Domande di Internet

Which musician/artist would have had the best career had they not met an untimely demise?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Which musician/artist would have had the best career had they not met an untimely demise? Which musician/artist would have had the best career had they not met an untimely demise? Ed ecco le risposte: Otis Redding. He was at the forefront […]

Relazioni e amore

My (M25) fiancé tried to giveaway a roll of magnum condoms to our mutual friend in front of her brother and I.

b3rryb0y ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: ThrowRA – My fiancé and I were in the process of getting a new apartment, and her brother and a mutual friend were there to help. All of a sudden, she shows up with a big roll of magnum condoms and asks our friend if he’d like to […]

Relazioni e amore

Should I tell my bf’s other woman’s live in partner/bf that she cheated on him?

MindfulDestruction ci racconta la sua esperienza: I'm on mobile, I'm sorry with how I type. I don't know how to rephrase the title but basically, I (23f) found out my bf (25m) cheated on me for 4 months. I found out about his affair October last year. I saw their messages. The girl was a […]

Domande di Internet

What movie lines do you say on a regular day?

Bentornati ad un’altra straordinaria edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What movie lines do you say on a regular day? What movie lines do you say on a regular day? Ed ecco le risposte: It’s just a flesh wound its1982 Hello there! imtheworstatreddit Don’t call me Shirley chittad I don’t remember […]

Domande di Internet

What have you started in quarantine that you will continue after?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What have you started in quarantine that you will continue after? What have you started in quarantine that you will continue after? Ed ecco le risposte: Working out at home agito90 Day drinking. johnnyloco86 Being lazy HappyChappie213 Grocery pick up! I […]

Domande di Internet

What’s the greatest movie that you’ll never watch again?

Bentornati ad un’altra fantastica edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What’s the greatest movie that you’ll never watch again? What’s the greatest movie that you’ll never watch again? Ed ecco le risposte: Schindler’s List. glendon24 Blues Brothers. It was my Dad and my movie. We bonded over it. Me must of […]

Relazioni e amore

i [14F] had sex with my boyfriend [21M]. my brother [19M] found out and he wants to report my boyfi to the police. please help.

XTRozz18 ci racconta la sua esperienza amorosa: first time poster so hopefully i followed all the rules. i’m really scared. idk if i’ll get into trouble so if anyone has any legal advice please let me know. i met him 9 months ago through a discord server. one of my friends [15F] was in it […]

Domande di Internet

Does anyone else’s gut drops in real life when jumping off high places in any game?

Bentornati ad un’altra fantastica edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Does anyone else’s gut drops in real life when jumping off high places in any game? Don't know for sure if I'm being crazy, but when I play games like Assassin's Creed and I jump from a really high place, I […]

Domande di Internet

What is the worst thing that you’ve seen a coworker do and still avoid being fired?

Bentornati ad un’altra sorprendente edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: What is the worst thing that you’ve seen a coworker do and still avoid being fired? What is the worst thing that you’ve seen a coworker do and still avoid being fired? Ed ecco le risposte: Obligatory not me but my […]

Domande di Internet

Asian people, what are some Western foods you really like? Western people, what are some Asian foods you really like?

Bentornati ad un’altra fantastica edizione delle domande di cultura generale! Questa volta abbiamo cercato: Asian people, what are some Western foods you really like? Western people, what are some Asian foods you really like? Asian people, what are some Western foods you really like? Western people, what are some Asian foods you really like? Ed […]